
Transform your team and your processes.

Gain efficiency and increase revenue. Inspire your audience to take action.

Ashutosh R. Nandeshwar

PhD in AI + MS in Design Thinking

Data Science. Consulting. Speaking. Process Innovation.

I can help you with...

Process Analysis

Often complex problems require simpler solutions. I love simplicity. Let me help you uncover the issues with existing processes and recommend simple, elegant solutions.

I simplified and automated the process that took four weeks to one week.

Machine Learning

Build predictive models. Find gems. Provide recommendations. Save time and effort. Increase revenue.

I helped increase revenue of a team from $6.2M to $75M with machine learning.

Dashboard Design

Dashboard design should be easy, but it isn't. Often creators add unnecessary data or bad graphics. I have made these mistakes before, so you don't have to.

I saved many expensive FTE hours spent on redesigning and recreating dashboards.


Whether you want to inspire your audience or explain the value of data, I can help you with my humor-filled stories and perspective.

"He single-handedly changed the course of my career..." - an attendee

Data Science Book

THE book for data science in fundraising. Read how to form your team. Find many recipes in R to start your data science journey.

Do you feel that your products or processes are stuck? That they can be improved? I can help


Let's study your current processes and find areas of improvement. I will recommend robotic process automation (RPA), new data product ideas, or different ways of doing things. 


Let's analyze the numbers and find areas of growth. I will recommend reports and dashboards to spur growth.

Tableau Book

Wrote this book before Tableau became cool!

Speaking Programs


Data Science
  • It is easy to think that its application and success should follow once you have mastered all analytics techniques. You will find in this talk not only about data science's importance but also how to achieve success in its application.


Data Visualization
  • Presenting data should be simple, yet we fail at communicating simply. 30-minutes go by, and you are still trying to understand the objective of a chart, masked by 3-D objects, exploding slices, and extensive color schemes. In this talk, you will learn how to avoid some mistakes and make your charts informative and actionable, not "interesting."


Motivational Keynotes
  • A speaker is successful only when he can take you to a world where you are part of the story. You see your challenges and your victory in that story. In this inspirational keynote, you will go to a place full of challenges. Yet, with your potential and a formula for success, emerge victoriously.

Invaluable addition

The objective, organization and content of the book make it an invaluable addition to any serious data scientist's library.

Bala Deshpande, Ph.D.
Senior Managing Consultant, Watson and AI Solutions Center of Competence, and author of Predictive Analytics and Data Mining


I was inspired to play a more active role in supporting my leaders



I'm Ashutosh

and I get immense joy in sharing what I know and motivating others to do their best. 

Through my conversations, motivational keynotes, articles, and technical videos, I have influenced people to write bestseller books, run for nonprofit boards, and set themselves apart from others. 

It was a long journey for me to get there.

Growing up, we didn't have enough money to buy toys, so my friends and I carved designer cars out of bricks and created tunnels out of a big pile of sand. When we did not have cable, we hacked together small dish antennas using old speakers. We spent countless joy-filled hours imagining things. What we couldn't get, we designed and created. 

Such childhood made me who I am: flexible, gritty, empathetic, tinkerer, creator, and entrepreneurial. With these attributes, I have built successful teams and launched novel data products at top higher education institutions. Top trade publications have featured my thoughts on data science and AI, and I am invited to present keynotes at conferences. 

I know what it's like to be in unfavorable situations. And I derive purpose and meaning from helping others overcome hurdles and succeed. I want to drive innovation with my technical expertise, creator drive, and storytelling abilities; and by mentoring and motivating team members. Let me know how I can be of help!
