Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

5 My experiments with sparklines

For the uninitiated, Sparklines are “data-intense, design-simple, word-sized graphics” according to its inventor Edward Tufte. I always wanted to include them in my trend reports. The challenge: How and Which tool to use? The data came from this report came from a complex query using SQL server and Access that had this format: College Major […]

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Auto Filter Cursor Movement

Don’t you hate it when you are working with many fields and you want to filter a particular field, so you apply auto filter on the all fields, but you find out that the field you were working on is gone from your sight and you see A1 cell. I did. Not anymore. Solution: Simply […]

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Things they didn’t teach in school

My gripe about graduate school is that the school focused on well-established software and never embraced nor encouraged open-source software. If they had taught, or at least introduced, these following open-source software, it would have helped us immensely to produce the best looking reports with great data analysis. We, however, had to struggle with SAS/Excel […]

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Create Sheets based on a Column

Ever felt the need of creating different sheets based on the distinct values of a column. For example, in your data, you have a column called STATE, and you would like to create a separate sheet for each state with all the data from that state. Here’s your solution then:(Note: you’ll need to add a […]

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