Category Archives for "Data Visualization"

Pie Chart vs. Bar Chart

Introduction The argument of pie charts vs. bar charts is almost 100 years old, going back to Walter Eells’ paper titled “The Relative Merits of Circles and Bars for Representing Component Parts.” While pie charts are more common in business presentations, bar charts are finding increased use. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. In this […]

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A man went to buy waffles. He got pies instead. A Study of Waffle Chart vs. Dot Plot vs. Pie Charts

Parts-to-Whole Charts Creating good charts is difficult. Parts-to-whole charts are even more difficult to create, not technically, but to generate a higher level of efficacy. The most common parts-to-whole chart, in which you show different proportions of a measure, is a pie chart. So much so that a hotel advertised its meeting rooms with this […]

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